NWA Fashion Week Wrap Up
the b-regenerous collection
In the Spring of 2018 our CEO, Ben Clark, commissioned Alyssa Bird to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art for his office. This piece would be made up of many intricately bound test print t-shirts. You might not know, but every shirt that we print here is tested often many times to get every line, color, and placement to match the artwork proof. During this process we’re left with shirts that have variations of the same print in many locations all over the shirt, maybe even the inside and outside. Although they come out looking fun, we aren’t able to use these shirts for anything more than testers moving forward.
Fast forward let’s say a year later to spring of this year, a collection was born! The “B-Regenerous” collection culminated into 17 unique looks that made their way onto the catwalk of the 2019 NWA Fashion Week and even into Alyssa’s Regenerous Designs jewelry pieces.

Now let’s recount how it all came to be! For the last 10 years we’ve been investing our time and resources in continuing to lessen B-Unlimited's impact on the environment. It’s written in our organizational values, “Our planet was here long before us and will be here long after. We choose to invest our time & efforts effectively for our future and yours.”
What this means for us is choosing to use water-based inks even though it’s much harder to work with, its taken us substantially longer, and cost more than that of an operation that uses plastisol inks. The waste that comes from water-based inks is much better for both the machine operators and the environment, so we knew we had to pursue this method of printing if we really wanted to live out our professional convictions.
Regenerous Designs focuses on handmade accessories, made by up-cycling fabric and other resources that would have otherwise been thrown away! So here we are, B-Unlimited choosing to focus on leaving as minimal of a footprint as we can on this Earth, partnering with a company who uses what is often seen as a waste in the fashion industry to be further used and made into a completely new piece. I mean, it just seems too perfect right?
Alyssa was the sole designer of every piece and let us just say… SHE KILLED IT! Everything came out so amazing and so much more than we could’ve ever imagined. Between our strategy meetings she’d stop by, pick up another box of test print tees, and then head out to work her magic. She said it best in her blog, “Creating this collection was definitely a “Teamwork Makes The Dream Work” kind of situation.”
That’s one of our more well-known mantras here in the office, because we simply can’t accomplish what happens here without the help of every single beautiful person on our team.
The collaboration came to its final name by combining our business names, B-Unlimited & Regenerous Designs. It’s not quite that simple though! If we are to regenerate all of our resources, including what many deem as waste they then are unlimited. B-Regenerous is built on the foundation of innovation, resourcefulness, and collaboration.

The Crew worth every shout out!
Alyssa Bird: Owner of Regenerous Designs
Photographers: Luke Davis, Heather Hill, Bryant Penzo
Videographers: Nick Bahash, Cubby Hoover
Makeup Artists for the Photoshoot:
Emily Sconyers
Pa Xiong
Veronica Lopez
Hair Stylists for the Photoshoot:
Emily Agular
Summer Foster
Tory Kuru
Ella Goldsmith
Ethan Nash
Gelynda Johnson
Jen Davenport
Lexy Winham
Maddie James
Nia Lashae
Pa Xiong
Paola Cortes
Rochelle Bailey
Sarah Barrow
Shawn Burns
Summer Foster
Tatum McClure
Valeria Quiroga Trigo
Ashley Little of Material Concepts for helping make the men's blazers
Additional Helpers and Supportive Friends:
Sydney Hoover
Olivia Conarroe
Morgan Scholz
Bailey Darter
Katelyn Simms
Kyle Sconyers
Julia Andriotis-Sharp
Travis Sharp
Christina Duggan
Matt Brunson
Jen Simmons
Nate Clark
Dianne Raphael
Drew McLaughlin
Grant Williams
K.C. Shaver
Linda Bird